Shared Demands, LLC is a family-owned Atlanta, GA., based business with the distinct talent of professional organizing nationwide. We have provided organizational guidance and personal assistance to those that need help with household demands for almost two decades. As of today, 98% of our clientele has derived from the referrals of other clients. We have an established reputation for valuing clients' time, self-care, and energy, as these are precious commodities to each person we serve. We achieve this outcome by specializing in making the most complex organizing project less stressful and anxiety-provoking - effortless. From bedrooms to bathrooms, cabinets to closets… let us share in your organizing demands!

We also operate an online consignment shop, Shared Closet Consignment Boutique! This consignment service was inspired by our stylish clients who possessed a variety of sizes and styles of gently worn ladies’ clothing; shoes; jewelry; and accessories. These previously loved, but no longer cherished items, remain after a successful purge and organization of a client’s home and closet. From Target to Tom Ford… We have your style and size while maintaining your budget.

Please visit us during our grand re-opening, online on November 1, 2022, by clicking the website or social media links below!

"Thanks! The closet looks amazing! I like the idea of the separators on the top of the closet and the price is good too." - Lansing, MI.

"Wow...My organizer rocks! The space looks so good. What did you do? Wave a magic wand? Quick work." - Atlanta, GA.

"Thanks for being such a wonderful organizer! I am accomplishing so much since we met and it's been great getting to know you better. I look forward to seeing you Saturday for our next appointment." - Atlanta, GA.

"Thanks! The closet looks amazing! I like the idea of the separators on the top of the closet and the price is good too." - Lansing, MI. • "Wow...My organizer rocks! The space looks so good. What did you do? Wave a magic wand? Quick work." - Atlanta, GA. • "Thanks for being such a wonderful organizer! I am accomplishing so much since we met and it's been great getting to know you better. I look forward to seeing you Saturday for our next appointment." - Atlanta, GA. •